The debacle facing Meg Whitman at HP will most likely consume her and the entire HP Board. HP is claiming its $11Bn cash purchase of Autonomy was based on misrepresentations and accounting improprieties. HP further claims to have relied for due diligence on Deloitte Touche, a company with a dodgy … [Read more...]
Joseph Jett featured MoneyProse Daily Financial News
GOP and Politics of Delusion
The Republican Party, if it is indeed to remain a viable political entity must disassociate itself from the lunatic fringe that even after suffering a sweeping defeat remains utterly delusional. Today, losing VP candidate Paul Ryan finally emerged to speak to the media. He had not one word of … [Read more...]
Hurricane Sandy Photos Nor’easter Snowstorm
The deciduous trees lost not their plumage... and so the snow awaited us on heavy boughs and pounced like the most ferocious of heffalumps and woozels. All too soon after the devastation of Hurricane Sandy, a Nor'easter snowstorm blew in to visit more destruction on the harried shore … [Read more...]
Justin Bieber for my beliebers – Reprint from Washington Post
I want to belieb: Getting lost in the Web of Justin Bieber By Chris Richards, Published: November 1 Justin Bieber didn’t make any major headlines on Tuesday. No stage barf. No stolen laptops. There wasn’t a lot to talk about. Yet the talk was nonstop. That’s because the 18-year-old pop singer … [Read more...]
Hurricane Sandy Destruction Current News and Photos
Somehow it seems positively grotesque to "Like" the photos of the devastation dealt to New Jersey shore by Hurricane Sandy. Yet one feels compelled to witness the destruction. Hearing the stories of near-misses and complete annihilation of all that families possessed is heart-breaking. For the very … [Read more...]
Joseph Jett Featured on MoneyProse Daily Financial News
Joseph Jett article featured on MoneyProse Daily Financial News. … [Read more...]
MIT Gangnam Style
Just a bit of fun for all those who happen upon this after facing Sandy's wrath and can find a refuge with power and wifi. MIT is a place where a nerd like me was utterly comfortable and fabulously creative people such as Eddie Ha (MIT 2013) were bewilderingly commonplace. … [Read more...]
Twitter Account: Get Celebrities to Follow You the Harvard B School Way
My twitter account is, throughout the day, peppered with questions from young followers. So, yes, I have a brain as big as a planet. Yet, the number one question I am asked is not: Does God exist? What is the meaning of Life? Doctor Who? No, rather than one of the above philosophically … [Read more...]
Mental Disorders in Children – The Silence of the Lambs
Growing Rates of Autism Violent behavior in autistic children: when a young relative with mental disorders who had always been a quiet, introspective child suddenly became dangerously violent, the paucity of resources available screamed out for attention. I am not coming to you here with flowered … [Read more...]